[Turkmath:5271] Koç Üniversitesi - Mathematics Seminar - November 23rd

Asgar Jamneshan AJAMNESHAN at ku.edu.tr
Mon Nov 29 07:42:43 UTC 2021

Dear all,

We would like to warmly invite you to this week's mathematics seminar at Koç University.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Please write an email at ajamneshan at ku.edu.tr<mailto:ajamneshan at ku.edu.tr> to receive the zoom link.

Best regards,

Asgar Jamneshan


Speaker          : Özge Ülkem, Galatasaray University
Title                 : Generalized D-elliptic sheaves and their moduli space
Date                : Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Time                : 14:30-15:40
Place               : Hybrid (SCI 103, Zoom)
Elliptic curves play a fundamental role in algebraic number theory. In the 1970’s Drinfeld defined analogues of elliptic curves in the function field setting, which are now called Drinfeld modules. Later on he defined a categorically equivalent notion, called elliptic sheaves, and studied their moduli space to prove Langlands correspondence. Since then many generalizations of Drinfeld modules and elliptic sheaves have been worked out. In the first part of this talk we will form the function field and classical setting and discuss similarities between them. Then, we define Drinfeld modules, discuss the analogy between elliptic curves and Drinfeld modules. In the second part we will define a new generalization of elliptic sheaves, called generalized D-elliptic sheaves and talk on their moduli space and of the uniformization of the latter if time permits.

Info: If you would like to attend the seminar online, please send an email to Asgar Jamneshan at ajamneshan at ku.edu.tr<mailto:ajamneshan at ku.edu.tr> for the Zoom link.

The Mathematics Seminar schedule can be found at https://mysite.ku.edu.tr/math-sci/ .
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