[Turkmath:5488] Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri

GTU Mathematics mathgtu at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 07:51:03 UTC 2022

Sayın Liste Üyeleri,
18 Mart Cuma günü saat 14:00'da * Prof. Dr. Oktay K. Pashaev  *(İzmir
Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü - Türkiye) *"*  *Integrable Resonant Soliton
Equations. From RNLS and KP-II to Majorana-Thirring type Relativistic
Resonant Dynamics **”* başlıklı bir seminer verecektir. Seminerin detayları
aşağıda olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.

Seminer için Microsoft Teams platformu kullanılacaktır. Seminere katılmak
için aşağıdaki linki kullanabilirsiniz:


Seminere bağlanırken aşağıdaki pencereyi görürseniz,

[image: image.png]

lütfen* Allow (İzin ver) *seçeneğine tıklayınız. Bu sizin toplantıya kamera
ve mikrofonunuzla bağlanabilmenizi sağlar.

Seminere giriş yaparken lütfen gerçek ve tam adınızı kullanınız.

Konuşmadığınız sürece lütfen mikrofonunuzu kapalı tutunuz.


Dear all,

*Prof. Dr. Oktay K. Pashaev* from İzmir Institute of Technology (Turkey) will
give a talk titled *"*  *Integrable Resonant Soliton Equations. From RNLS
and KP-II to Majorana-Thirring type Relativistic Resonant Dynamics **”*  on
March 18th at 14:00. All interested are invited.

Abstract: In this talk I review SL(2,R) AKNS and the Kaup-Newell integrable
resonant soliton hierarchies and describe several new results and
applications. The second flow of the hierarchies is related with resonant
nonlinear Schrodinger equation (RNLS) and resonant DNLS equation in 1+1
dimensions, with de Broglie-Bohm quantum potential nonlinear term. Soliton
interactions for the first equation show the resonance phenomena and for
the second one, the chiral resonant soliton interaction. It is shown that
in non-Madelung fluid representation, RNLS is connected with the Broer-Kaup
resonant system. Combining the second and the third flows of the hierarchy
we construct line solitons of KP-II and MKP-II equations in 2+1 dimensions
with web type resonant structure. As a next natural generalization we
discuss the resonant Davey-Stewartson equation, as 2+1 dimensional nonlocal
RNLS and corresponding new integrable 2+1 dimensional Broer-Kaup type
system. By the recursion operator of AKNS hierarchy, the non-local
relativistic RNLS (DNLS) and q-dispersive resonant soliton equations are
derived. New local relativistic integrable nonlinear model for real,
Majorana type spinor fields in 1+1 dimensions, gauge equivalent to
Papanicolau spin model on one sheet hyperboloid is constructed. In terms of
the so called double numbers, it is represented as hyperbolic complex
relativistic massive Thirring model. By using Hirota bilinear method, exact
one and two dissipaton solutions, showing resonant scattering of two
soliton particles, with relativistic dispersion and highly nonlinear mass
are obtained.

Microsoft Teams platform will be used for the seminar. To join the seminar,
please use the following link:


If you see the following window when connecting to the seminar,
[image: image.png]

please select *Allow**. *Then you will be able to use your microphone and
camera during the seminar.

Please use your real and complete name when you enter the system.

Please switch your microphone off unless you are speaking.

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