[Turkmath:6133] Feza Gursey Merkezinde "Dual Perspectives" konusmasi (2 Haziran Cuma)

sadik.deger at boun.edu.tr sadik.deger at boun.edu.tr
Thu May 25 06:31:11 UTC 2023

Sayin liste uyeleri,

Bogazici Universitesi Kandilli kampusunde yer alan Feza Gursey Fizik ve
Matematik Arastirma Merkezinde matematikciler ile kuramsal fizikcileri
bulusturmayi hedefledigimiz "Dual Perspectives" konusma dizisine 2 Haziran
Cuma gunu detaylari asagida ve ekteki posterde yer alan konusmayla devam

Butun ilgilenenleri bekleriz,

Nihat Sadik Deger, Umut Varolgunes


Konusma dizisinin web sayfasi: https://umutvg.github.io/dp.html

Tarih: 2 Haziran 2023, Cuma (Sabah bolumu 10:30-12:00, Oglen bolumu   

Konusmaci:Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck Institut für   
Gravitationsphysik, Albert Einstein Institut)

Baslik: The Geometry of Hidden Symmetries in Supergravity and Holography

Ozet: Supersymmetric extensions of Einstein geometric theory of general
relativity have the remarkable feature that they can give rise to unexpected
global symmetries, known as hidden symmetries. In recent years, there has been
progress in phrasing them in a geometric manner through so-called generalised
or exceptional geometry. In the first part, I will review these structures and
how they give rise to the symmetries of supergravity. I will sketch how they
can be used to formulate and study deformations of supergravity in a   
way. In the second part, I will apply these ideas to a particularly   
case, both mathematically and physically. This is the case of two-dimensional
dilaton-gravity, where work since the 1970s on solution generating techniques
and integrable system has been active and is related to an underlying affine
Kac-Moody symmetry. I will review recent work on constructing the associated
exceptional field theory and use it to obtain new dilaton-gravity models that
allow for AdS-type solutions that are conjectured to be holographically dual
to matrix models, such as the one associated to D0-branes.
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