[Turkmath:6859] Seminer-Ade Irma Suriajaya (Kyushu University, Japan)-Bilecik-17 Aralık

Ilker Inam ilker.inam at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 07:50:09 UTC 2024

Değerli Liste Üyeleri,

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Cebir ve
Sayılar Teorisi Anabilim dalı öğretim üyeleri tarafından kurulan “Bilecik
Algebra & Number Theory (BANT)” grubu tarafından organize edilen seminer
serilerinin yeni konuşması *17 Aralık **2024 Salı günü* online olarak zoom
üzerinden düzenlenecektir.

Etkinliğin web sitesi: https://bilecikalgebranumbertheory.github.io/ dir.

Sıradaki konuşmacı Kyushu Üniversitesi'nin (Japonya) değerli öğretim üyesi *Ade
Irma Suriajaya* olacaktır ve konuşma bilgileri aşağıda yer almaktadır.

*Konuşma Adı:* Pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, zero
density and simple zeros

*Özet:* Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis (RH), Montgomery (1973) proved a
theorem concerning the pair correlation of nontrivial zeros of the Riemann
zeta-function. One consequence of this theorem was that, under RH, at least
2/3 of the zeros are simple. We show that this theorem of Montgomery holds
unconditionally. In an earlier paper, as an application, under a much
weaker hypothesis than RH that all the zeros lie within a narrow vertical
box centered on the critical line, we showed that at least 61.7% of zeros
of the Riemann zeta-function are simple. We can further weaken the
hypothesis using a density hypothesis. Recently we were able to improve a
little bit on this proportion, and furthermore found a connection to
finding the proportion of zeros on the critical line. Inspired by a recent
preprint of J. Maynard and K. Pratt, we can additionally weaken our
assumption by copying the box finitely many times. This is joint work with
Siegfred Alan C. Baluyot, Daniel Alan Goldston, and Caroline L.

*Tarih: 17/12/2024 *

*Saat: 16:00 İstanbul / 14:00 Berlin / 13:00 Londra / 22:00 Tokyo*

Katılım için linkte yer alan form doldurulması yeterlidir,

Form linki: https://forms.gle/krsnxmGCk3fg9eRD9

Zoom linki formu doldurduktan sonra email ile paylaşılacaktır. Etkinlik
posteri ekte yer almaktadır.


Prof.Dr. İlker İnam

Düzenleme komitesi adına.


Dear list members,

The "Bilecik Algebra & Number Theory (BANT)" group, founded by the faculty
members of the Department of Algebra and Number Theory at Bilecik Seyh
Edebali University's Faculty of Science, will host its next seminar on *Tue,
November 12, 2024*. The event will be conducted online via Zoom.

The website for the event is:  https://bilecikalgebranumbertheory.github.io/

The inaugural speaker will be *Ade Irma Suriajaya*, a faculty member at
Kyushu University, Japan. Details of the presentation are provided below.

*Title: *Pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, zero
density and simple zeros

*Abstract: *Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis (RH), Montgomery (1973) proved
a theorem concerning the pair correlation of nontrivial zeros of the
Riemann zeta-function. One consequence of this theorem was that, under RH,
at least 2/3 of the zeros are simple. We show that this theorem of
Montgomery holds unconditionally. In an earlier paper, as an application,
under a much weaker hypothesis than RH that all the zeros lie within a
narrow vertical box centered on the critical line, we showed that at least
61.7% of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function are simple. We can further
weaken the hypothesis using a density hypothesis. Recently we were able to
improve a little bit on this proportion, and furthermore found a connection
to finding the proportion of zeros on the critical line. Inspired by a
recent preprint of J. Maynard and K. Pratt, we can additionally weaken our
assumption by copying the box finitely many times. This is joint work with
Siegfred Alan C. Baluyot, Daniel Alan Goldston, and Caroline L.

*Date: December 17, 2024, Tuesday*

*Time: 16:00 Istanbul / 14:00 Berlin / 13:00 London / 22:00 Tokyo*

To participate, simply fill out the form at the following link:

Form Link: https://forms.gle/krsnxmGCk3fg9eRD9

The Zoom link will be shared via email after filling out the form. The
event poster is attached.

Best regards,

Prof.Dr. Ilker Inam

On behalf of the organizing committee
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