[Turkmath:6794] ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Zoom-558

Ali Sinan Sertöz sertoz at bilkent.edu.tr
Mon Nov 25 07:51:42 UTC 2024

*Welcome to the 2024 Fall talks of ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry 
/since 2000/

This week the ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminar 
<http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~sertoz/agseminar.htm>  is *online*

/This talk will begin at _*15:40*__ (GMT+3)_/
Please check your time difference between Ankara and your city here 

/Gustave Klimt (1862-1918)/
**Speaker: Emre Coşkun <https://users.metu.edu.tr/emcoskun/>
****Affiliation: /ODTÜ/**
**Title: *Stability Conditions I*
**Abstract: **In moduli problems, one usually needs to impose some sort 
of "stability" on the objects being classified in order to have 
well-behaved moduli spaces. Generalizing this concept, in 2007, 
Bridgeland defined "stability conditions" on a triangulated category and 
proved that, under some mild conditions, the set of stability conditions 
can be given the structure of a complex manifold. In this three-part 
series, we shall explore this construction. We shall also give examples 
of stability conditions when the underlying triangulated category is the 
derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth, projective variety.

Reference:Bridgeland, Tom. Stability conditions on triangulated 
categories. Ann. of Math. (2)166(2007), no.2, 317–345.

*Date:29 November 2024*, *Friday*
*Time: 15:40 /(GMT+3)/*
*Place: **Zoom*

    **One day before the seminar, an announcement with the Zoom meeting
    link will be sent to those who registered with Sertöz.

    **If you have registered before for one of the previous talks, there
    is no need to register again; you will automatically receive a link
    for this talk too.

    **If you have not registered before, please contact him at
    sertoz at bilkent.edu.tr
    <mailto:sertoz at bilkent.edu.tr?subject=Zoom%20Seminar%20Address%20Request>.**

You are most cordially invited to attend.

Ali Sinan Sertöz
/(PS: To unsubscribe from this list please click here and send the 
custom mail without changing anything 
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Ali Sinan Sertöz
Bilkent University, Department of Mathematics, 06800 Ankara, Türkiye
Office: (90)-(312) - 290 1490
Department: (90)-(312) - 266 4377
Fax: (90)-(312) - 290 1797
e-mail:sertoz at bilkent.edu.tr <mailto:sertoz at bilkent.edu.tr> 
Web:sertoz.bilkent.edu.tr <http://sertoz.bilkent.edu.tr> 
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