[Turkmath:7013] Seminer-Muhammed Uludağ (Galatasaray Üniversitesi)-Bilecik-25 Şubat

Ilker Inam ilker.inam at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 13:09:37 UTC 2025

Değerli Liste Üyeleri,

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü Cebir ve
Sayılar Teorisi Anabilim dalı öğretim üyeleri tarafından kurulan
“Bilecik Algebra & Number Theory (BANT)” grubu tarafından organize edilen
seminer serilerinin yeni ve bahar döneminin ilk konuşması *25 Şubat **2025
Salı günü* online olarak zoom üzerinden düzenlenecektir.

Etkinliğin web sitesi: https://bilecikalgebranumbertheory.github.io/ dir.

Sıradaki konuşmacı Galatasaray Üniversitesi'nin değerli öğretim üyesi
*Muhammed Uludağ* olacaktır ve konuşma bilgileri aşağıda yer almaktadır.

*Konuşma Adı:* Dyer’s outer automorphism of PGL(2,Z) and the codenominator

*Özet:* The codenominator is a function F that extends the Fibonacci
sequence to the index set of positive rational numbers. Many known
Fibonacci identities carry over to the codenominator. One can express
Dyer’s outer automorphism of the extended modular group PGL(2, Z) in terms
of F. This automorphism can be viewed as an automorphism group of the
trivalent tree. The real -covariant modular function Jimm J on the real
line is defined via the codenominator. J relates the Stern-Brocot tree to
the Bird tree. Jimm induces an involution of the moduli space of rank-2
pseudolattices and is related to the arithmetic of real quadratic

*Tarih: 25/02/2025 *

*Saat: 16:00 İstanbul / 14:00 Berlin / 13:00 Londra / 22:00 Tokyo*

Katılım için linkte yer alan form doldurulması yeterlidir,

Form linki:  https://forms.gle/kyz7UaVKpUmjACALA

Zoom linki formu doldurduktan sonra email ile paylaşılacaktır. Etkinlik
posteri ekte yer almaktadır.


Prof.Dr. İlker İnam

Düzenleme komitesi adına.


Dear list members,

The "Bilecik Algebra & Number Theory (BANT)" group, founded by the faculty
members of the Department of Algebra and Number Theory at Bilecik Seyh
Edebali University's Faculty of Science, will host its next and the first
seminar of this semester on *Tue, February 25, 2025*. The event will be
conducted online via Zoom.

The website for the event is:  https://bilecikalgebranumbertheory.github.io/

The inaugural speaker will be *Muhammed Uludağ*, a faculty member at
Galatasaray University, Turkey. Details of the presentation are provided

*Title: *Dyer’s outer automorphism of PGL(2,Z) and the codenominator

*Abstract: *The codenominator is a function F that extends the Fibonacci
sequence to the index set of positive rational numbers. Many known
Fibonacci identities carry over to the codenominator. One can express
Dyer’s outer automorphism of the extended modular group PGL(2, Z) in terms
of F. This automorphism can be viewed as an automorphism group of the
trivalent tree. The real -covariant modular function Jimm J on the real
line is defined via the codenominator. J relates the Stern-Brocot tree to
the Bird tree. Jimm induces an involution of the moduli space of rank-2
pseudolattices and is related to the arithmetic of real quadratic

*Date: February 25, 2025, Tuesday*

*Time: 16:00 Istanbul / 14:00 Berlin / 13:00 London / 22:00 Tokyo*

To participate, simply fill out the form at the following link:

Form Link: https://forms.gle/kyz7UaVKpUmjACALA

The Zoom link will be shared via email after filling out the form. The
event poster is attached.

Best regards,

Prof.Dr. Ilker Inam

On behalf of the organizing committee
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