[Turkmath:6983] First International Knot Theory Congress, Feb 1-5, 2025

NESLİHAN GÜGÜMCÜ neslihangugumcu at iyte.edu.tr
Tue Jan 28 10:12:24 UTC 2025

---------- Forwarded message --------- 
Gönderen: Colin Adams < [ mailto:cadams at williams.edu | cadams at williams.edu ] > 
Date: 20 Oca 2025 Pzt 17:32 
Subject: Second Announcement: First International Knot Theory Congress 
To: < [ mailto:GEOMETRY at listserv.utk.edu | GEOMETRY at listserv.utk.edu ] > 

The First International On-Line Knot Theory Congress takes place on zoom in less than two weeks on February 1-5, 2025. The congress is in honor of the 80th birthday of Louis H. Kauffman, and will feature approximately 100 talks from around the globe. 

Plenary speakers include: Dror Bar-Natan , Cameron Gordon, Sergei Gukov, Lou Kauffman, Akio Kawauchi, Mikhail Khovanov, Ciprian Manolescu, Vassily Manturov , Peter Ozsvath, Lisa Picirillo, Jacob Rasmussen, Nicolai Reshetikin, Zoltan Szabo, Vladimir Turaev, Victor Vassiliev and Edward Witten. 

No registration is necessary to view the talks. The schedule is available at the website, and zoom links will appear there. There will be recordings available for most talks after the congress is over. More information is available at: 

[ https://knots-congress.github.io/ | https://knots-congress.github.io/ ] 

We hope to see you on zoom. 
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