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Conference on Number Theory, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry in<br>
Northern Cyprus, 22-25 April 2010, Middle East Technical University,<br>
Northern Cyprus Campus.<br>
This conference aims to bring together researchers in Turkey and the<br>
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus working in the fields of Number<br>
Theory, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry. There will be 15 talks by<br>
invited lecturers and a small number of contributed talks (primarily<br>
expected to be delivered by Ph.D. students). The language of the<br>
conference talks will be English.<br>
For more information about the talks, the venue, accommodation etc.<br>
please visit:<br>
where an on-line application form is available. The deadline for the<br>
application is 31.3.2010.<br>
Best regards,<br>
Özcan Kasal<br>
(On behalf of the organizing committee)<br>
Mathematics Research and Teaching Group<br>
Middle East Technical University<br>
Northern Cyprus Campus<br>
Kalkanli, Guzelyurt<br>
T.R.N.C., Mersin 10, TURKEY<br>
Konferans : Sayilar Teorisi, Aritmetik ve Cebirsel Geometri, Kuzey<br>
Kibris 22-25 Nisan 2010<br>
Konferansta Turkiye ve KKTC'deki sayilar teorisi, aritmetik ve<br>
cebirsel geometri konularinda calisan arastirmacilarin bir araya<br>
getirilmesi amaclanmistir.<br>
Konferans suresince davetli konusmacilar tarafindan verilecek 15<br>
konusmanin yanisira sinirli sayida bildiriye yer verilmesi de<br>
planlanmistir (oncelik doktora ogrencilerine verilecektir). Konferans<br>
sunumlari Ingilizce yapilacaktir.<br>
Konferansta yer alan sunumlar, konferansin yeri, konaklama olanaklari<br>
gibi konular hakkinda bilgiyi<br>
adresinde bulabilirsiniz. Bu siteden ayni zamanda elektronik basvuru<br>
formuna da erisilebilmektedir.<br>
Son basvuru tarihi: 31.3.2010<br>
Özcan Kasal<br>
(Organizasyon komitesi adina)<br>
Matematik Arastirma ve Ogretim Grubu<br>
Ortadogu Teknik Universitesi<br>
Kuzey Kibris Kampusu<br>
Kalkanli, Guzelyurt<br>
K.K.T.C., Mersin 10, TURKIYE