[Turkmath:7043] İstanbul Analysis Seminars

Mert Çağlar m.caglar at iku.edu.tr
13 Mayıs 2010 Per 01:39:20 EEST

Dear all,

Enclosed is the abstract of the talk to be given this Friday in İstanbul Analysis Seminars.

Speaker: Plamen Djakov
Title: 1D Dirac operators with special periodic potentials
Date: May 14, 2010
Time: 15:40
Place: Sabancı University, Karaköy Communication Center
           Bankalar Caddesi 2, Karaköy 34420, İstanbul

Kindest regards,

Nihat Gökhan Göğüş & Mert Çağlar

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İsim: 14.05.10.pdf
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Tanım: 14.05.10.pdf
Url: http://yunus.listweb.bilkent.edu.tr/pipermail/turkmath/attachments/20100513/e242f739/attachment-0001.pdf 

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