[Turkmath:8105] IMBM Math/CS Seminar: Ryan O'Donnell, Jan 3, 14:00

Atilla YILMAZ atilla.yilmaz at boun.edu.tr
31 Ara 2011 Cmt 11:05:39 EET


Speaker: Ryan O'Donnell (Carnegie Mellon University)

Title: Noise Stability of Boolean Functions

Abstract: Suppose that in an election between two parties, each
voter's vote is corrupted with probability epsilon. The chance that
this affects the outcome of the election depends on what voting rule
is used. We will show that under some reasonable assumptions, the
voting rule which is "stablest" to noise in the votes is Majority. We
will also discuss connections to theoretical computer science and to
geometry of Gaussian space.

Date & Time: Tuesday, Jan 3, 2012, 14:00

Place: IMBM Seminar Room, Bogazici University South Campus

Please see the poster which can be accessed from the following link:


All interested are welcome to attend.

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