[Turkmath:7501] [Fwd: Analysis Seminar]

H. Turgay Kaptanoglu kaptan at fen.bilkent.edu.tr
2 Mar 2011 Çar 11:55:32 EET

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Analysis Seminar
From:    "Alexander Goncharov" <goncha at fen.bilkent.edu.tr>
Date:    Tue, March 1, 2011 13:51
To:      mathall at fen.bilkent.edu.tr
Cc:      gergun at cankaya.edu.tr
         "mehmet eren ahsen" <ahsen at ee.bilkent.edu.tr>

Dear all,

You are cordially invited to Analysis Seminar

Title:  Harmonic measures

Speaker: A.Goncharov

Abstract:  Basic concepts and model examples related to
harmonic measures are considered.
Intended for students, the talk is an introduction to the theory of
harmonic measure on plane domains.

Tea and cookies will be served before the seminar.

Date: Thursday,  March 3
Time: 14:30
Place: SAZ 141

With best regards,
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