[Turkmath:8299] Seminer - İTÜ Matematik, 13 Nisan 2012 Cuma, Richard Gonzales, Galatasaray Üniversitesi
aduran at itu.edu.tr
aduran at itu.edu.tr
10 Nis 2012 Sal 14:47:40 EEST
Değerli Liste Üyeleri,
13 Nisan 2012 Cuma günü, Galatasaray Üniversitesi'nden Richard
Gonzales aşağıdaki konuda davetli konuşma yapacaktır.
* * *
Geometry of Flag Varieties
Abstract. Flag varieties are homogeneous manifolds G/B, where G is a
connected algebraic group and B a Borel subgroup. For instance, one
can take G to be the group of invertible nxn matrices and B its
subgroup of invertible upper triangular matrices. Most of the geometry
of flag varieties is encoded in the combinatorics of the Weyl group.
In the previous example, the Weyl group corresponds to the symmetric
group on n letters. Flag varieties also have nice cellular
decompositions and their topology can be understood via Schubert
calculus and operators of divided differences. In this introductory
talk, I will give an overview of the subject and explain how the
geometry of flag varieties provides a powerful insight into the study
of singular algebraic varieties.
* * *
Tarih: 13 Nisan 2012 Cuma
Saat: 15:30 - 16:30
Yer: Matematik Mühendisliği Bölümü B-226
İkramlar: 15:00 - 15:30
İletişim: aduran at itu.edu.tr
İlginiz için teşekkürler.
Ahmet Duran
Matematik Mühendisliği
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
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