[Turkmath:8194] SU General Seminar, Claudio Stirpe, 28.02.2012

Alp Bassa bassa at sabanciuniv.edu
27 Şub 2012 Pzt 13:53:18 EET

*Sabanci University General Seminar*


*Speaker:* Claudio Stirpe (Università di Roma "Sapienza")

*Date/Time:* 28 February 2012, Tuesday, 11:00

*Place:* Sabanci University, FENS 2008

*Title:* *An asymptotic bound for the genus of pointless curves*
*Abstract: *The problem of finding a non singular curve of genus g_n without
points of degree smaller than n was already studied when the genus is
small (compared
to the size of the finite field GF(q) ). A construction of a family of
curves without points of degree smaller than n was carried out by Clark and
Elkies. The genus of such curves is bounded by g_n<n*q^n for large n. In
this talk I give a construction of a family of curves over the finite field
GF(q) without points of degree smaller than n and of genus smaller than q^n.

Tea, coffee and cookies will be served in FENS 2008 from 10:30.

For information on how to reach Sabanci University, please see

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