[Turkmath:328] Seminer, 16:00, Perşembe, 19 Mart, MSGSÜ

Mohan Ravichandran mohan.ravichandran at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 15:55:39 UTC 2015


    MSGSU'ye ziyaret eden Anargyros Katsampekis bu hafta seminer

Title : Binomial arithmetical rank of toric ideals of graphs
Abstract : Toric ideals arise naturally in problems from diverse areas of
mathematics, including algebraic statistics, integer programming, dynamical
systems and graph theory.\ A basic problem in the theory of toric ideals is
to determine the least
number of polynomials needed to generate the toric ideal up to radical.\
number is commonly known as the arithmetical rank of a toric ideal.\ A
usual approach to this problem is to restrict to a certain class of
polynomials and ask how many polynomials from this class can generate the
toric ideal up to radical.\ Restricting the polynomials to the class of
binomials we
arrive at the notion of the binomial arithmetical rank of a toric ideal.\
In the talk we study the binomial arithmetical rank of the toric ideal
associated with a finite graph in two cases: \begin{enumerate}
  \item[(1)] The graph is bipartite.
  \item[(2)] The toric ideal is generated by quadratic binomials.
In both cases we prove that the binomial arithmetical rank equals the
minimal number of generators of the toric ideal.

Zaman : 16:00
Yer : Seminer Odası
Gün : 19 Mart, Perşembe
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