[Turkmath:1091] ICMME-2016 Second Annuncement

Nurettin DOĞAN ndogan at gazi.edu.tr
Fri Mar 4 16:23:11 UTC 2016

Dear Colleagues, 

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education “Journey of Mathematics in Harput” ( ICMME-2016 ) . This event will be held on May 12-14, 2016 in Elazıg, Turkey. 
MATDER- Association of Mathematicians is an association founded in 1995 by mathematicians in Turkey. Up to now 14 national mathematics symposium was organized by MATDER . 
These meetings have traditionally been the main general national conferences all areas of mathematics and mathematics education and have been well attended by mathematicians from academia and ministry of education. The last four conferences have been held in Niğde (2015), Karabük (2014), Ankara (2013) and Samsun (2012). This year ICMME-2016 will be held at Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey on 12nd-14th May 2016 as an international conference. Elazığ is a city in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey which is near to the historical city Harput. It is located in the uppermost Euphrates valley. 
As with the previous meetings, the objective of this conference is to provide a forum for workers in the field to meet and discuss current research. 
This conference is supported by Fırat University and MATDER-Association of Mathematicians . 
The main aim of this conference is to contribute to the development of mathematical sciences, mathematical education and their applications and to bring together the members of the mathematics community, interdisciplinary researchers, educators, mathematicians and statisticians from all over the world. The conference will present new results and future challenges, in series of invited and short talks, poster presentations, workshops and exhibitions. The presentations can be done in the languages of English and Turkish. All presented paper’s abstracts will be published in the conference proceeding. Moreover, selected and peer review articles will be published in the following journals: 

    * TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Indexed by Emerging Sources Citation and MathSciNet) 
    * TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics (Indexed by Emerging Sources Citation and MathSciNet) 
    * Gazi University Journal of Science (Indexed by Engineering Index (Compendex), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)) 
    * Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation 
    * Communications, Series A1:Mathematics and Statistic( Indexed by MathSciNet and ULAKBIM) 
    * MATDER Matematik Eğitim Dergisi 
    * Turkish Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science (TJMCS) 

Also, the 4th Mathematics competitions between high schools and chess tournament will be organized. Please look at the following links to apply 

    * Chess Tourmament 
    * Mathematics Competitions 

With kind regards 

On behalf of organizing committee 

Nurettin DOĞAN 

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