[Turkmath:2911] Bilkent Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Semineri

Bilkent Mathematics bilmath at fen.bilkent.edu.tr
Fri Apr 6 14:06:32 UTC 2018

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Bilkent Topoloji seminerlerinde 9 Nisan'da Ergün Yalçın (Bilkent) konuşmacı
olacaktır. İlgilenen herkes davetlidir. 


A survey on constructing free actions on products of spheres"

Ergün Yalçın (Bilkent)


Abstract: I will give a survey of problems and recent results on
constructing free actions on products of spheres. The rank conjecture, due
to Benson and Carlson, states that a finite group G acts freely and
cellularly on a finite complex X homotopy equivalent to a product of k
spheres if and only if the rank of G is less than or equal to k. This
conjecture is known to be true for k=1 by classical Smith theory and by a
theorem of Swan. For k=2 it is proved by Adem and Smith, and Jackson that if
a rank two finite group does not involve the group Qd(p) for any odd prime
p, then it acts freely and cellularly on a finite complex X homotopy
equivalent to a product of two spheres. I will discuss what is known for the
remaining case G=Qd(p). The most recent results that I will present are
joint work with Cihan Okay. I will also mention some earlier work joint with
Ozgun Unlu and with Ian Hambleton.


Tarih: 9 Nisan 2018 Pazartesi, 13:40  Bilkent Matematik Bölümü Seminer Odası
SA - 141 


Konuşma sonrasında çay-kurabiye ikramı yapılacaktır. 




İ. D. Bilkent Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü


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