[Turkmath:4839] Hatırlatma-IMBM Sayı Teorisi Seminerleri

ekin ozman ekinozman at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 03:24:26 UTC 2021

Sayın Liste Üyeleri,

Ekte afişini ve aşağıda duyurusunu bulabileceğiniz IMBM Sayı Teorisi
Seminer dizisine *9 Nisan Cuma günü başlıyoruz*.
(https://sites.google.com/view/imbmnumbertheoryseminars ) ilgilenen herkes
davetlidir. İlk konuşmacı Racel Newton'un konuşma başlığı ve özeti
aşağıdaki gibidir.

Sağlıklı günler dileğiyle.


Dear all,

You are cordially invited to IMBM Number Theory Seminars 2021. *The first
talk is on Friday, April 9.*

The details of the talks can be found on our webpage:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and forward this
email to anyone who might be interested. Here is the information of the
first talk.

Speaker: Rachel Newton, Reading University

Title: Diophantine equations and when to quit trying to solve them

Abstract: The study of integer or rational solutions to polynomial
equations with integer coefficients is one of the oldest areas of
mathematics and remains a very active field of research. The most basic
question we can ask about such an equation is whether its set of rational
solutions is empty or not. This turns out to be a very hard question! I
will discuss modern methods for proving that the set of rational solutions
is empty, touching upon some recent work with Martin Bright concerning the
wild part of the Brauer--Manin obstruction.

On the behalf of the organizers,

(Ekin Özman, Özlem Ejder, Yasemin Kara)


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