[Turkmath:5053] 6th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School at FGE - Feza Gürsey Institute

Mustafa Kalafat kalafg at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 17:18:11 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues and Geometry Fans,

The "6th Geometry-Topology Summer School"
will be hosted by

   "Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics"

and will be held “online” among the dates

      “August 2-14, 2021.”

There will be at least 6 research mini-courses in Geometry,
spread over the two weeks. Some of the mini-courses include:

1. Anna Fino - Interplays of Complex and Symplectic Geometry

2. İzzet Coşkun - Topics in Algebraic Curves

3. Jesse Madnick - Holomorphic curves in the 6-sphere

4. Alexandra Otiman - Topics in locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry

5. Michael Albanese - Yamabe Invariant of Complex Surfaces

6. Sebastian Heller - Constant mean curvature(CMC) surfaces and
integrable systems

The mini-courses will be of introductory nature and beneficiary to
Ph.D. students, Postdocs, and beginners to the area.
The focus of the school is around differential geometry
and complex algebraic geometry.

Registration is free but mandatory.
Details can be found on the website of the summer school:


Please advertise among the Graduate students in your department/institute.
For videos of the research mini-courses from previous and years please
subscribe to our Youtube channel at:


Looking forward to seeing you.

Dr. Kalafat

PS: There are still a few open slots. If you also have a
research-mini-course proposal for 1 or 2 weeks during the above dates,
please send us ASAP.

 |Mustafa Kalafat ---------------------------------
 |   Associate Professor of Mathematics    |
 |    Web : http://kalafat.droppages.com/    |

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