[Turkmath:5346] MSGSU Matematik Genel Seminerleri (7 Ocak 2022, 17:00)

İpek Tuvay ipektuvay at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 07:38:22 UTC 2022

Sayın liste üyeleri,

MSGSÜ Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerinde bu haftaki konuşmacımız Bilkent
Üniversitesi'nden Cihan Okay. Seminer ile ilgili detaylar aşağıda yer
*Time: *Friday, January 7, 2022 at 17:00

*Title: *Homotopy classification of operator solutions of linear systems

*Abstract:* Linear systems of equations over a finite field play an
important role in quantum information theory. Instead of looking for
solutions over the base field one can look for solutions (in a certain
sense) over the unitary group, which are called operator solutions. The
data of this system of equations can be expressed using a hypergraph and
the operator solutions can be studied from a topological point of view by
considering certain topological realizations of these hypergraphs. In this
talk I will describe how homotopical methods provide a way to classify
operator solutions of linear systems. Our basic approach is to interpret
operator solutions as maps from a topological realization of the hypergraph
to a certain classifying space first introduced by Adem-Cohen-Torres Giese.

*Link: *

*Gelecek konuşmalar için:* https://researchseminars.org/seminar/MSGSUMath

İyi günler dilerim,

İpek Tuvay
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