[Turkmath:5642] Symbolic Computation Istanbul Meetings - May 27

Türkü Özlüm Çelik turkuozlum at gmail.com
Wed May 25 09:26:57 UTC 2022

Dear all,

This is to invite you to our upcoming SCIM talk.
You may find the details of the talk below,
                         also the IMBM (Istanbul Center for Mathematical
Sciences) poster attached.

*Speaker:* Rosa Winter (King's College London)
*Time:* May 27, 17:00 (Istanbul)
*Place:* Zoom (Please notice that this talk is planned to take place only

*Title:* Configurations of lines on del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1

*Abstract:* Del Pezzo surfaces are classified by their degree $d$, which is
an integer between 1 and 9.
Famous examples are the smooth cubic surfaces in $\mathbb{P}^3$ ($d=3$).
Over an algebraically closed field,
these contain 27 lines, of which at most three can go through the same
point. Similarly, a del Pezzo surface of
degree two contains 56 lines, of which at most four can go through the same
point. In both of these cases,
this maximum is given by the incidence graph of the lines. A del Pezzo
surface of degree one contains 240 lines,
and the upper bound given by the incidence graph for the number of lines
that go through the same point is 16.
However, in joint work with Ronald van Luijk we show that in almost all
the maximal number of lines that go through the same point is 10.

In this talk, I will first motivate the study of the configurations of the
240 lines. I will then show how we proved our
result using the $E_8$ root system, classical algebraic geometry, and
symbolic computation with Groebner bases.

*Zoom info:*

Meeting ID: 645 3608 0348
Password: scimtalk

Best wishes,
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