[Turkmath:9907] Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Matematik Semineri Duyurusu (23 Haziran Pazartesi)

Ferhat Kürüz ferhatkuruz at gmail.com
5 Haz 2014 Per 15:59:53 EEST

Değerli Liste Üyeleri,

Aşağıda detaylarını verdiğimiz 23 Haziran Pazartesi günü YTÜ Matematik
Bölümünde verilecek olan 'Integrals: Optimization Tool and Special
Functionals' başlıklı seminere

YTÜ Matematik Bölümü Seminer Koordinatörlüğü

Tarih: 23.06.2014
Yer: YTÜ Davutpaşa Kampüsü Matematik Bölümü EZ-18

Konuşmacı: Prof. Radko Mesiar, Ph.D (Slovak University of Technology,

Başlık: Integrals: Optimization Tool and Special Functionals

Özet: After a short historical overview of integration and recalling basic
integrals of Riemann and Lebesque, we will look on representation of
special functionals acting on measurable non-negative functions, yielding
special types of integrals, such as Choquet or Sugeno integrals. Based on
particular decompositions of considered functions, and on a fixed monotone
measure, the class of decompositions integrals will be discussed. A general
framework for integrals with respect to monotone measures, universal
integrals, will be also clarified and exemplified. A special stress will be
put on integrals based on copulas.
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