[Turkmath:6214] Feza Gursey Merkezinde "Dual Perspectives" konusmasi (27 Ekim Cuma)

sadik.deger at boun.edu.tr sadik.deger at boun.edu.tr
Thu Oct 19 04:44:34 UTC 2023

Sayin liste uyeleri,

Bogazici Universitesi Kandilli kampusunde yer alan Feza Gursey Fizik ve
Matematik Arastirma Merkezinde matematikciler ile kuramsal fizikcileri
bulusturmayi hedefledigimiz "Dual Perspectives" konusma dizisine 27 Ekim
Cuma gunu detaylari asagida ve ekteki posterde yer alan konusmayla devam

Butun ilgilenenleri bekleriz,

Nihat Sadik Deger, Umut Varolgunes

Konusma dizisinin web sayfasi:     

Tarih: 27 Ekim 2023, Cuma (Sabah bolumu 10:30-12:00, Oglen bolumu 13:30-15:00)

Konusmaci: Dmitri Sorokin, INFN Padova & U.Padova, Dept. of   
Phys.Astron. “Galileo Galilei”

Baslik: Aspects of maximally symmetric non-linear (ModMax) electrodynamics

Ozet: We will review properties and peculiarities of a recently found unique
non-linear generalization of Maxwell's electrodynamics (dubbed ModMax) that
preserves all the symmetries of the former, i.e. conformal invariance and
electric-magnetic duality. In particular, we will see that ModMax admits, as
exact solutions, plane waves and Lienard-Wiechert fields induced by a moving
electric or magnetic particle, or a dyon; effects of ModMax may manifest
themselves in physical phenomena such as vacuum birefringence and in
properties of gravitational objects (e.g. charged black holes). ModMax and
its Born-Infeld-like generalization arise as TTbar-like deformations of
Maxwell's theory and there exist supersymmetric and higher-spin extensions
of these models.

Plan of the seminars (flexible, depends on preferences of the listeners and
time available).

First Part:
0) 90 years of non-linear electrodynamics.
1) Introduction to electric-magnetic duality and conformal symmetry in
Maxwell's and non-linear electrodynamics. Born-Infeld theory.
2) ModMax and its distinguished features.
3) Exact solutions of the ModMax equations of motion (plane waves and
Reissner-Nordstrom black holes).

Second Part:

1) Phenomenon of "vacuum birefringence" in non-linear electrodynamics.
2) What are "TTbar" deformations of field theories and their relation to
the Born-Infeld electrodynamics and ModMax?
3) ModMax as an effective theory of electromagnetic interactions wit an
axion-dilaton-like field.
4) Supersymmetric extension and coupling to supergravity.

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