[Turkmath:6218] Hacettepe Üniversitesi Genel Semineri-Elvan Akın

Asli Pekcan asli.pekcan at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 06:20:22 UTC 2023

Sayın Liste Üyeleri,

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü genel seminerleri kapsamında, 27 Ekim
2023 tarihinde saat 20:00'de, Zoom üzerinden Missouri University of Science
and Technology'den Elvan Akın'ın vereceği ''Investigating Infectious
Disease Transmission by Time-Scale Modeling Approach'' başlıklı konuşmaya
hepinizi bekleriz. Konuşma özeti ve zoom bağlantı bilgileri aşağıda yer


Prof. Dr. Aslı Pekcan Yıldız
Seminer Koordinatörü

Toplantı Kimliği: 822 8036 2919
Parola: 884461


*Konuşmacı*: Elvan Akın
*Konuşma Başlığı*: Investigating Infectious Disease Transmission by
Time-Scale Modeling Approach
*Konuşma Özeti: *Compartmental models, applied to investigate the dynamics
of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, swine influenza, tuberculosis,
measles, and strep throat, also determine
evaluating the risk factors, suitable treatment methods, and predicting and
controlling a possible outbreak.
Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases with the SIR
(susceptible-infected-recovered) framework was initiated by Bernoulli in
[6]. Motivated by our earlier and current research on mathematical modeling
of HIV-1 in [1], Mammary Tumors and Pseudomonas putida in [2], swine
influenza in [4], and tuberculosis in [5], we observe that time-scale
modeling approach play an important role to recover information from
experimental data with varying domains (time-scales), [7] and [8]. In this
talk, we propose time-scale models, covering wide classes of models from
continuous to discrete, for infectious diseases, especially HIV, swine
influenza, and tuberculosis. In addition, we discuss the stability results
of the models based on the basic
reproduction number and demonstrate our numerical results.
[1]. Akın, E., Yeni, G., and Perelson, A.S., Continuous and Discrete
Modeling of HIV-1 Decline on Therapy, Journal of Mathematical Biology,
01492-z , 2020.
[2]. Akın, E., Pelen, N.N., Tiryaki, I.U, and Yalcin, F., Parameter
identification for gompertz and logistic dynamic equations, Plos One,
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0230582, 2020.
[3]. Akın, E. and Yeni, G. On Exact Solutions to Epidemic Dynamic Models,
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation. 10(6), 2020, 2299-2312.
[4]. Akın, E., Yeni, G., and Vaidya, N., Time Scale Theory on Stability of
Explicit and Implicit Discrete Epidemic Models: Applications to Swine Flu
Outbreak, Journal of Mathematical
Biology. Accepted, 2023.
[5] Akın, E., Yeni, G., Konur, D., Isik, R.S., and Isik, M.R. Global
Dynamics of Tuberculosis Transmission by Continuous and Discrete SEIR
Models. Submitted, 2023.
[6] Bernoulli, D., Essai d'une nouvelle analyse de la mortalité causée par
la petite vérole, et des avantages de l'inoculation pour la prévenir.
Histoire de l'Acad., Roy. Sci.(Paris) avec Mem,
1760, 1-45.
[7]. Bohner, M. and Peterson, A. Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, An
Introduction with Applications, Birkhaeuser, Boston, 2001.
[8]. Bohner, M. and Peterson, A., Advances in Dynamic Equations on Time
Scales, Birkhaeuser, Boston, 2003.
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